Best Self-Help Books

3 Self-Help Books You Need to Read

"Our thoughts become our words, our words become our beliefs, our beliefs become our actions, our actions become our habits, and our habits become our realities."
-Jen Sincero; author, speaker, badass, coach

I have some book recommendations I read quite a number of them last year and I wanted to share 3 books that really shook up my life perspective and made me look at life more positively so, if you are a person that decided to read more as one of your new year’s resolutions this is the blog you need to read. 

1.      Title: You are a Badass
       Author: Jen Sincero

I have read about this book many times and posted it on my Instagram before. It really just has plain language on helping you understand your potential, giving you the tools to really push your tough obstacles and really correct how you think about yourself, and your abilities, and what you have to offer. I really love this book! I cannot recommend it enough. Any time I’m going through tough time I just feeling like I need a little boost and a reminder for certain things then I re-read this. It is such a good book even if you are feeling pretty great about yourself, I think you could always use some different opinions and perspectives on how to get through tough time. This book is to getting you understand that the world is happening for you and not you, and no matter what your circumstances are, you had the ability to choose how you want to live your life. The way that Jen Sincero explains things is not fluffy, she is so real. It is really motivating to get out and make something of yourself it doesn't matter what it is, it depends on what it is, what you want to be, and what you want to do, just do it.

2.      Title: The Untethered Soul
Author: Michael A. Singer 

This is the book that I think everybody on the planet should read especially if you’re an over thinker like me. I know I’m not the only one that has that annoying voice in your head that is constantly making commentary about life sometimes, the voice is pretty funny and helpful but the majority of the time it’s just noise and Micheal Singer does a really great job explaining that the voice in your head is not YOU.. he refers to it as your roommate, it’s your roommate that you have to basically live for the rest of your life. He explains that you are just the person that is just listening to it. I like to read this book especially when I feel anxious about my life or if I tend to overthink a situation. I just bust open a chapter and it really helps ground me and makes my foundation a lot more strong.

3.      Title: The Power of Habit
Author: Charles Duhigg 

I swear this book is great! If you’re the type of person who wants to finish their goals and become more disciplined and become more of an efficient person. I learned from this book that over 65% of the things that you do on a day to day life is run on autopilot aka the habits you create in your life so, if all the habits in your life are positive ones then, you can just daze into life and be productive without even trying and that thought really excited me. The author does a thorough job explaining how habits are created. It’s a chain reaction of three events: it is the cue, the routine and the reward. If you’re wanting to change a habit it’s all about changing the routine whether it's a habit on smoking, or drinking too much, or binge eating they all can be reformed by changing the routine and this book really helped me re-examine my life and made me want to change all my habits for the better.


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